November 23, 2011

11. 23. 11

"But be doers of the word, not merely hearers only, deceiving yourselves" - James 1:22
read something really powerful this morning in a daily devotional. The Sabbath was meant to be a day of rest, and it slowly got perverted by rules and regulations. The special day that was set aside to rest and serve Him, was now a day of human ritual. In Matt 12: 1-2 the pharisees condemn Jesus' disciples for picking the grain from the ground on the Sabbath. And merely being watch dogs I'm sure, tried to again pin something "unlawful" on them, or Jesus. The picture shown in this setting, is the Pharisees putting their views, and laws, above God's word. They only gave lip service to God's word to justify their daily lifestyle, but in reality didn't live a life of one who seeks to know God and have a relationship with Him. They wanted to protect their outer appearance and look "right" in front of man only. Scripture says in 1 Samuel 16:7 "...for the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." A truth to be remembered here: why do you do what you do? Is it just to be thought highly of? Let us not pay merely lip service of scripture, but let us live it out.