I really, really, really love
coming back to things that were once mundane, and getting that amazing feeling of loving it all over again
as though it was brand new. There's a sense of thankfulness that easily overwhelms me. The things you once thought were just
apart of everyday life, and took for granted, are now shiny and new to you again, and you remember the treasure that they actually are.
I realized today, how easy it is to forget the joy in the little things in life that are easily looked over on a day- to day basis. I remember the times
when I didn't have a car, and how much I hated bumming rides off a friends and now, having a car is genuinely a joy! Or how I had to search for a job,
and now having a great one! It's in moments like these that I think "Can you STOP complaining?" How easy it is to forget.
At church today, the message was titled " Death: The Elephant in the Room". Of course everyone in the world knows that death is upon every single
one of us. It is something that we are unable to escape. But how do you get the elephant out of the room?
Well, you can close your eyes. You shut out the idea of death, and put it in your back pocket, almost as if you'll get to it later, or dare i say, on your own time.
Death is a strange reality, but I was so moved by the fact that the pastor spoke in a way that is relevant for today. This culture continues to
morph into its very own beast by acting as though it doesn't exist. A couple things that really stuck out to me: "If Jesus took care of death, will He not take care of your life?!"
If that's not conviction, I don't know what is. When I heard that, I instantly recalled moments of worry or not trusting God and how I would cradle up and become a 5 year old child,
grumpy and confused at the way life was going. The Lord purchased me and it came with a heavy price. If we were to live a life where we numbered our days, our lives would reflect
something completely different than the every day "mundane". Our lives would be precious to us, we would recall the thanksgiving in our hearts for having a genuine hope,
and love found in the Savior, and every moment we would live for an eternal purpose instead of going through the motions. Oh how easy it is for us to go through the motions.
The reality is without help from Jesus we can't have this mindset. Without His help we will continue to live a life of the mundane, and taking for granted the true joys of this life.
"Every good and perfect gift, comes from ABOVE, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of change." James 1:17.
My prayer has become what Psalm 90:12 says
"So teach us to number our days that we may present to You a heart of wisdom"
Begin to number your days. We are all but a vapor.